West Yorkshire Division

Home Page

The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine (and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist, which are appended thereto) is an order of Freemasonry, open to all Royal Arch Companions who hold and profess a belief in the Christian Trinitarian Faith.

The Order commemorates the miraculous Conversion to the Christian faith of the great Roman Emperor Constantine after his glorious victory in the battle of Saxa Rubra and the Milvian Bridge in the year AD 312, and the impact that his conversion had on the further development and global spread of the Christian religion.

The Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist – usually referred to as ‘Appendant Orders’ – commemorate the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and interpret both Craft and Royal Arch Masonry in a Christian context.

The Order, although deriving much of its rich symbolism from Angelican Christian usage and customs, is non-denominational and is open to all Christian Royal Arch Masons in good standing who profess a sincere belief in the Trinity-in-Unity and who desire to expand their Masonic knowledge in a New Testament setting.

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Latest Posts

50th Anniversary – V.Ill.Kt. Malcolm McMath P.G.H.Chan.

50th Anniversary – V.Ill.Kt. Malcolm McMath P.G.H.Chan.

At the regular meeting of Via Crucis Conclave No 263 on Monday 15th July, 37 members and visitors, many from Huddersfield Conclave, filled the Conclave to witness the presentation of a 50-year Certificate and Jewel to V.Ill.Kt. Malcolm McMath P.G.H.Chan. by R.Ill.Kt. Anthony W Llewelyn K.C.C. on behalf of the Grand Sovereign. Malcolm had been installed as a Knight Companion of the Order in Huddersfield […]

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Conclave Calendar 2024-2025

Conclave Calendar 2024-2025

Here is the complete conclave Calendar 2024 – 2025

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£2500 Grant to the Bradford Cinderalla Club

£2500 Grant to the Bradford Cinderalla Club

GSCFCF News item

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Featured Pages

Below is a list of featured pages from within the website

Annual Divisional Meeting 16th March 2024

Report on the Annual Divisional Meeting 2024   Saturday 16th March 2024 at Tapton Masonic Hall saw the Annual Meeting of the West Yorkshire Division of the Red Cross of Constantine. The Divisional meeting was preceded at 11:00 am by the Installation of the new Intendant-General Right Illustrious Knight Keith Tolan. Some 125 Knights from across this and other divisions were present to witness the […]

Divisional Sepulchre Guard

The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St. John the Evangelist DIVISIONAL SEPULCHRE GUARD – WEST YORKSHIRE DIVISION The West Yorkshire Divisional Sepulchre Guard travel around the division and provide assistance during certain ceremonies and help escort distinguished guests into and out of the temple. The Divisional Sepulchre Guard consists of a […]


White Rose of York Conclave No.120 meeting in Sheffield Loidis Conclave No. 157 meeting in Leeds St Helena Conclave No.165 meeting in Harrogate Centurion Conclave No.170 meeting in Pontefract Wharfedale Conclave No.173 meeting in Otley Roman Eagle Conclave No. 178 meeting in Morley (Leeds) Ebor Rosa Conclave No.186 meeting in Doncaster Huddersfield Conclave No.191 meeting in Huddersfield Via Crucis Conclave No.263 meeting in Cleckheaton Pillar of Light Conclave No.370 meeting in Rotherham Belgravia Conclave No.412 meeting […]