50th Anniversary – V.Ill.Kt. Malcolm McMath P.G.H.Chan.

At the regular meeting of Via Crucis Conclave No 263 on Monday 15th July, 37 members and visitors, many from Huddersfield Conclave, filled the Conclave to witness the presentation of a 50-year Certificate and Jewel to V.Ill.Kt. Malcolm McMath P.G.H.Chan. by R.Ill.Kt. Anthony W Llewelyn K.C.C. on behalf of the Grand Sovereign.
Malcolm had been installed as a Knight Companion of the Order in Huddersfield Conclave No 191 on 27th June 1974, proposed by his uncle who was the Most Puissant Sovereign at the time and seconded by his father. Malcolm served a Sovereign in 1984 and for a second time in 2018.
He was appointed Divisional Sword Bearer in 1988, and promoted to Divisional Junior General the following year.
Grand Rank followed in 1991 as Past Grand Prefect and promotion to his current rank of Past Grand High Chancellor in 2007.
Malcolm had chosen Tony to make the presentation due to their association and friendship over a number of years. Tony’s presentation was well researched and interspersed by anecdotes and memories related by Malcolm, encompassing 50 years membership of the Order. There was a degree of ‘name dropping’, as Malcolm had seen many Intendant-Generals come and go. Malcolm was able to describe the highs and lows of Red Cross Masonry in the West Yorkshire Division over the time of his membership.
In summary his 50 years membership had introduced him to many new friends, and he recommended the importance of visiting to newer members. Malcolm concluded by declaring proudly that in the 50 years he had never missed a meeting of Huddersfield Conclave.
The Conclave meeting was followed by a superb festive board with a great atmosphere. Malcolm’s achievement was further celebrated in the many toasts and responses.
A good night was had by all who attended.