Annual Divisional Meeting 20th March 2021

In these very challenging and uncertain times, it is with great pleasure that 96 Worthy Knights and visitors could attend the Red Cross of Constantine West Yorkshire Divisional meeting via the wonderful technology of Zoom. 

As members joined, they were warmly welcomed by not just the Intendant General, but a whole chorus of welcomes and good old Yorkshire banter could be heard along with the many new beards on display.

Whilst we could not meet in person, nothing was lost in regards the key elements of the meeting and fittingly, the first item was to acknowledge those Knights which had sadly passed to the Grand Conclave above. The usual agenda items were then conducted, the highlight being the Intendant Generals address and in particular the changes to maintain a thriving Division were set out. After all the proceeding were completed, the distinguished visitors gave their greetings and a general chat ensued. 

We can be proud that the core of our Division is still in good health and eagerly awaiting to resume out Masonic activities and restrictions permitting, begin visiting the conclaves of the Division, which is the one of the proud traditions of this order.