Annual Divisional Meeting 16th March 2024

Report on the Annual Divisional Meeting 2024


Saturday 16th March 2024 at Tapton Masonic Hall saw the Annual Meeting of the West Yorkshire Division of the Red Cross of Constantine.

The Divisional meeting was preceded at 11:00 am by the Installation of the new Intendant-General Right Illustrious Knight Keith Tolan. Some 125 Knights from across this and other divisions were present to witness the ceremony.

The Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign Graham Lelsie Flight was joined by a delegation of officers from Grand Imperial Conclave and attended by 14 members of the Grand Sepulchre Guard to install the new Intendant-General.

R.Ill. Kt. Tony Llewellyn K.C.C., a Past Intendant-General of the Division opened Divisional Conclave. Once opened the Grand Sovereign was announced, admitted and took the chair. Following salutations the Grand Sovereign addressed the gathering.

The roll of conclaves was called.

Ill.Kt. Keith Tolan Intendant-General Designate, was introduced into Divisional Conclave, obligated and installed as Intendant-General. The Intendant-General then proceeded to install his Deputy Ill.Kt. Alistair John Booth.


The Grand Sovereign and his team retired following which the Intendant-General adjourned Div Conclave.

After a period of refreshment, 105 knights attended the Luncheon accompanied by the usual toasts. In thanking the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign the Intendant-General presented him with a bottle of wine and a presentation pack from Betty’s Tea Rooms to remind him of his visit to West Yorkshire.

The Grand Marshal R.Ill.Kt. Paul Norman K.C.C. was also presented with a gift from Betty’s.

The Divisional Conclave resumed at 2:50 pm and the usual administrative business was conducted before the Divisional officers and other Knights were appointed or promoted. The list of Appointments and Promotions can be found here.

The Intendant-General gave his first address to Divisional Conclave before closing the meeting.

And so ended another Divisional meeting of this wonderful order where we all left with the watch words so firmly planted in our hearts, In Faith, In Unity and In Zeal.

Read the new Intendant General’s speech to the Division